Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

i did a guitar and a pick with my initials
i thought teh guitar would be a challenge
the guitar is a special design made by steve vai

BTF fool

Project 2

My main goal for this project was to focus on the object of a hookah and try to make the metal look realistic. I broke it down into shapes and used solid fills of black, greys and whites. To create the smoke in the background i messed with different shapes on different layers and changed the opacity. Then I warped them with the twirl tool. I chose the colors so that you could tell it was smoke but was more exciting.

Initials Project

During my initials project, I utilized a previous drawing that I had completed back in Drawing and Perspective. This object was a imaginary spacecraft that was eventually reproduced in Illustrator with a large amount of the pen tool. The ships themselves are completely built in module form and was completely composed in Illustrator. The particle effects, environment, and lighting was rendered entirely in Photoshop.

Project 2 - Object & Initials by Aneeca

A anchor  is my chosen object for project 2. 
I just kept things simple as I am new to illustration. 
In the first illustration I used more shapes to build my object and in my second illustration I used the pen tool. I used a curly type for my initials along with the divide tool. Gradient and decorative tools in illustration was also used to put together my designs.  

Project 2

In the first image i wanted to give a more of an artsy feel to a portrait so i made Jessica Alba's face look like it was melting with paint. I used certain colors so that I could show the depth of field to the image as well. In the text part I wanted to combine the serif and San serif type together and make more of an abstract feel to it. So that you would have to look at the image to realize that it is two K's making up the picture. I made up another one as well but with this one instead of the abstract feel to it I combine the two types together and if you look closely you can see that the types together makes up like four K's all together. 

Project 2 - Initials and Logo

My idea was to make my initials look as if they've been destroyed or demolished. I used a wrecking ball for the logo, giving the theme for my project.