Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Daniel Mascio Project 4 - Product Illustration - Digital Illustration student project - cc - not for commercial use

For my Product Design I did flower pots with Care Bear designs. I got the idea to design a piece more tailored to children from the Peanut Butter & Jelly technical illustration for the last project. From the finished piece you can see the Care Bears that were designed along with their mapping on a flower pot. The pieces look a little simplistic to me, however there was a lot of work that went into each piece to get everything looking right; more 3D on the characters with a lot of back and forth between Illustrator and Photoshop to work on individual parts of the whole.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Thanks Daniel! I appreciate your feedback on my dilemma. I will try that in Photoshop. I was trying to add the light sources in Illustrator and it just wasn't turning out right. Your project came out great! The reflection on the pots is exactly the look I was hoping for, but didn't know how to achieve it...
See you tonight.